

My father-in-law died yesterday. He was 90 years old. The man was known for planting potatoes in the spring in his suburban backyard. As an Irishman, (really only 1/2 because his mother was 100% German), growing potatoes was Mike's way of participating in ancestral traditions. I've often wondered if the love of potatoes is in part genetic. Mike died with 12 of his 13 children around him. How lucky is that! I married son #4. I salute Mike's passing with a shot of brandy (because that's what he drank)...and will always remember his light polka steps on the dance floor.


SpicyBBQ said...

I don't remember his light steps on the dance floor - but will really his hearty laugh and his "HowdyHowdyHowdy" when he answers the phone...

Last I saw him, he told me "I saw the end of WWII, saw them put a man on the moon, and now I want to see a woman in the White House." And he almost did! Cheers to you Gramps!

Amy said...

you too are leaving a wonderful legacy with your children and family and friends. I love this site.
Peace and love and ...Happy birthday dear friend. When are we getting together for a glass of wine ?
Hugs, Amy