
I Grok Trees...A Memory Lament

I'm working hard to be pollutically correct, but....

Forgive me Oak and Pine and Beech
And Maple too
And also Yew (paper bags)

Your surrogates sit ready at the door
To carry home food stuffs galore
Yet memory glitches caused decline as...
I again commit envirocide.

I think I'll try hanging the bags on the door knob.

Grok is a word coined by Robert Heinlein in his book Stranger In A Strange Land. As a verb, its general sense concerns knowing and understanding something or someone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how many times I've left the extra bags (1) in my husband's car (2) in the laundry room *right* by the door (3) in the trunk only to be remembered at checkout. I too feel guilty every time, but have never expressed it so poetically. thanks for the laugh.